“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
-Helen Keller

The Children’s Hope India board and staff are reaching out to all of our partners on the ground to offer a helping hand in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our mission at Children’s Hope India is to lift children from poverty to prosperity by working with some of the most populations–locally in the New York Metro Area and throughout India. As COVID-19 continues to spread globally, their needs and those of their families have become more urgent than ever.

What We’re Doing Immediately

We are steadfast in our dedication to lifting up our partner communities and have identified three main ways that we can share our CHI resources where they are needed the most.

  • Remote Learning Educational Opportunities: given that social distancing is such an important way to prevent disease spread, we are supporting new remote learning opportunities and educational resources for our programs.
  • Hygiene: we are distributing soap, sanitizers with 70% alcohol and other hygiene items to control the spread of COVID-19 in vulnerable communities where our children live and learn.
  • Medical Care: we are increasing basic medical care and nutritious meals to both children and their families because we know that healthy populations are stronger against threats like this one.

In times of crisis, it is often the most disadvantaged among us that feel the greatest impact; but together, we can help reverse some of that impact. We appreciate all our supporters for participating in this community and for coming together now. Our thoughts are with all of those affected by the virus and those working on the frontlines.

How You Can Help

If you would like to support these efforts with a donation, please click the button below which will take you to our donation form. On the form, please check the box “I would like to apply this donation to the COVID-19 Response.”

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